It may seem strange in these days of no-travel, but I went and bought a new camera, and yes, purely for reasons of using it around the apartment!
First up, I like taking unusual pictures, especially with a macro lens, and especially of my music equipment. Those are handy when I do the Gear Piece videos!

Also handy is that the new camera is really really good for taking video, an area I always felt things could be better, and again that will be great for the Gear Piece videos (one on the Aura Spectrum from Fishman, seen above, coming soon!)

Also though, I have plans to make some abstract videos to go along with my music, always more fun than using stock footage! The photo above is the first step along the way toward one of those videos.
I took loads of different pictures in the dark with a flashlight illuminating only parts of the guitar, and then put those back together, adding different colors to each layer. Right now, I have this still, but next steps will be to animate those different layers fading on and off and changing color. It should end up quite cool – I hope!

It may sound odd, to say that a camera is inspiring for music, but that’s me – odd! Just as I like doing different styles of music with different moods, I also like doing other types of creativity too, always having been a visual person. Heck, when creating music, I always have a visual in mind!
So now I have various ideas for things to string together into video. Watch this space 🙂
All the best,
Tom (Cu Sithe)