
If you are like me, you are going to be interested to know a little about what inspired a particular track – in which case, you are on the right page!


First single from the album “The Shadow Behind the Sun”. Something of a Doctor Who inspiration behind this one!

Beneath the Autumn Sky

A single version of this song, from the “Tursan” album back in 2020.

Seven for a Secret

An old children’s nursery rhyme, all about the magical magpie.

One Voice in the Infinite

When confronted with the vastness of the universe and our tiny place within it when measured in both space and time… we dance, we sing, we make music.

The Wolf Runs Free

I have always loved wolves, and of course there’s a wolf that completes the arc of the story in “The Shepherdess” and brings the album “Tursan” to a close with this song. This one has something of an Enya inspiration behind it.

The Gateway

Growing up in Scotland, there were stone circles everywhere. It was always mysterious and thrilling to visit one, to think about the long history of such a place, and to wonder just what the purpose of those standing stones were – and that was the inspiration behind The Gateway.

Form From Void

I am always amazed at the creative human spirit, how from nothing we craft and shape stories, music, sculpture, painting, and so on. We take the void, and from it, we give something form!


Sit back, close your eyes, relax… and let your inner wishes and dreams become manifest.