Lots of things influence the music I make, and here are some that fed into me wanting to do a “space album”. The album – “The Shadow Behind the Sun” – will be out on April 1st 2021. Meantime, and I heartily recommend the things below to any fans of space, sci-fi, and spaceships!
The Expanse
Been watching this show since it first came out, and it is awesome! I am always a sucker for spaceships. Lots to love about this show, from the more realistic approach to things, to the multi-layers of personal through to politics, and more.
Excession, and The Culture ships in general
I re-read Excession again in 2020… is that the fourth time? The sixth? I have no idea. Bloody brilliant book, as are all The Culture novels. Iain M. Banks concept of ships with Minds (capital M) definitely played into the concept for the album.

Elite: Dangerous

Yes, I am old enough to have played Elite first time around, on the ZX Spectrum no less! From that day on, it has shaped my thinking of what it would be like to have your own spaceship and roam the galaxy, into the present incarnation of the game too (and I’m looking forward to the upcoming Odyssey release!)

Actual, Real Space
Everything about space for real, my gosh it is amazing! From Hubble telescope images of wayyyy out there, to watching Perseverance touch down on Mars (that one happened a bit late to be a direct influence, but just part and parcel for my fascination with all things space).

The Doctor Who opening sequence
Especially the one from Tom Baker’s seasons 🙂 This was a direct influence on “Timestream“, I had the visuals in mind when writing it.
The Songs of Distant Earth
Mike Oldfield is always an influence on my music, but I’d say the album “The Songs of Distant Earth” was the biggest direct influence this time around.

COVID and lockdowns
I am not a great socialite, so going out is not something I do very often, other than two-weekly trips to the nearby grocery store. For numerous reasons, I had to err on the side of caution, so I gave those up and since March I have been having groceries delivered, and only left the house twice, once for some emergency dental stuff, and once to go vote.

Despite that not being a massive change for me, I have definitely felt the effects of being within the same four walls for 9 months (and looking like another 6 to go at the time of writing).
This sense of isolation and being confined in a small space also played in to the story that lies behind “The Shadow Behind the Sun”.
All the best,
Tom (Cu Sithe)