Life is very unpredictable!
Way back when the “The Shadow Behind the Sun” came out, in April, I had no idea when vaccinations would be available here in Nashville, so I had things all planned out in my head – continuing to stay indoors, and starting the trail of discovery to find out the four music tracks that would go along with the four pieces of art I have all set and ready!

But then in May, ta da, vaccinations were available! Now, this was important because I had decided I wanted to leave Nashville for a host of reasons, some of which being:
a) I am not a city kid. Not a kid at all of course, but you get what I mean (just an excuse to reference that fantastic old Pink Fairies song!)
b) I miss having a view outside my window, something with greenery, trees, nature – rather than a parking lot for an apartment complex
c) I want a bit more freedom to play acoustic guitar at 3 in the morning because I can’t sleep and I have an idea – so a house, not an apartment
d) Driving in Nashville terrifies me 🙂
e) I want to be able to walk through nature, see wildlife, listen to the wind in the trees, stare out over the water – both for the good of my mind and soul, but also because connecting with nature rather than city is a great way to find musical inspiration!
Were it not for the pandemic, I’d have started the moving process in January or February, since my lease expires in July. I’d resigned myself to one more year here, saving moving til next year once the pandemic was under control.
Once I knew I would be vaccinated in May though, well, surely that was enough time to make things happen THIS year after all!
And so it began……. the beginning of the unexpected!
A lovely plan– except that it’s proven highly challenging to buy a house, with lots of bumps in the road (e.g. a 3 week delay as plans were made to buy a small place near a lake, only to find the seller had not been honest, for example it was not hooked up to a sewer or septic system….)
So here we are in July, still not moved (hopefully to change soon).
Being a simple sort of fellow, I don’t do well at dealing with too many things at once, especially where they are stressful things. So as a result, while all this has been happening, the music came to a halt. Not what I had planned back in April, I had sure expected to be back into recording by now – and in a studio happily detached from any neighbors, with freedom to make music at strange times of day 😉
Each week it’s seemed like “Aha! Everything will be resolved by next week and I can share the news!”, so I never did write this post, thinking it would be the “I have moved!” one any day now. Time to share an update though, so y’all know what is going on.
With that saga discussed, expect more news soon including:
a) I have a radio show, called Symbiosis, now over on One World Music Radio!
b) Mmmmmm tubes
c) Actually being in a new house, maybe within a few days (I hope!)
All the best!
Tom (Cu Sithe)
PS – anyone else remember the TV show I got the title from? 🙂