
Space is cool. I have long had a fascination with space, both from the real world side, and from the science fiction side too – in other words, I love what we discover about the universe around us and how we actually explore it, and I love what we imagine about getting out there and exploring it!

I can explore space! From Elite:Dangerous

I never quite know where inspiration is coming from next, but it turns out this time we are leaving the fantastical realm of a Celtic mythological landscape, and heading out into the black!

As well as my own recent explorations in the imaginary category thanks to Elite:Dangerous (my current chosen way to unwind), there have also been lots of cool things in the news lately. It may not be a parallel universe with time running backward, but the unexpected discovery of “upward-pointing cosmic ray like events” is still a neat discovery (that no-one has quite explained yet, so hey, maybe it IS a parallel universe with backward time!)

All this has been percolating in the simmering cauldron of mixed inspirations that is the magical source of creativity for me, leading me in a more electronic, spacey direction for the next music!

The soundscape to the sci-fi story in my head 😉

The above actually has no music in it, it’s more of a soundscape that is part of the story I have concocted (and I think a testament to the new computer as I stack synth upon synth, fed through sound effect upon sound effect, to create what I had in mind!)

Who asked for a second opinion?

At the time of writing, the first manned SpaceX launch is coming up too, and I will be watching that with excitement.

It also helps that my favorite delay and reverb creators, Valhalla, just released the free Supermassive, a weird and wonderful delay effect (and it’s free!). Nice timing for working on space-themed music!

Space is deep

There’s also been some messing around to get a guitar sound I wanted for once the music part kicks in, which involved what may seem like an odd set up – Amplitube for just an autowah, into BIAS FX for just another Autowah, into Scuffham S-Gear for the actual amp sim stuff (and then of course, into Valhalla things!)

Overkill? Maybe, but it gave me the sound I wanted, so who cares!

Well, back to the music. What is your favorite space news, game, song, movie, or book? Get in touch and let me know!

Keep on dreaming of the stars!

All the best,
Tom (Cu Sithe)