So a little over a week ago I was back over in Prague, a beautiful city and always great to catch up with friends there!

Was at the Planetarium, which was cool, I love Planetariums. They had a movie about the two Voyager probes, which I also love (if I can get reincarnated as anything, I want to come back as one of the Voyagers, heading off into the great unknown – sure it would take millions of years to get there, but I’m the patient kind!)
There was also this scale model of Stonehenge:

The hotel over in Prague was unusual too, lots of character and… well, weirdness is the only way to put it.

The traveling always takes it out of me – the being there is fantastic, the getting there not so much! Never much fun sitting on planes and in airports 🙂 Best you can do is indulge your interest in taking photos.

There’s one challenge with creating music, and that’s coming up with videos to go with them so you can pop them on YouTube. I’m always on the look out for new ways to create music videos, and over the last week I’ve started taking a look at Dreams on the PS4.

Of course, while saying I am looking for “easy” ways to create videos, it isn’t THAT easy as you have to learn a lot about creating spaces, effects and so on in the “game”, so it will be a while yet before I know whether this crazy idea will work out! So far, I’ve just made a moving pillar, some spawning balls, and a goal to try and kick them into – not much, but it’s a start!

I do have a bit of a head start, since I have a strong background in 3D scenes and the like.
And for fun and entertainment, thanks to watching the series “Picard” I dip into the Star Trek Online game now and then – heck, I love spaceships!

That’s it for now. Still working on the mystery cover version, but I may have to solve the video creation problem first before I can release that – but news will appear here, as it happens!
All the best!