These days, it’s so easy to take high quality photos wherever we go. Not one memory needs to be missed, and you can and probably do rapidly accumulate hundreds of photos on a regular basis – which is great!

That was not the case back in the mists of time though, where you had to deliberately carry a generally bulky camera with you, where every photo had a price both for the film roll it was on, and for getting it developed – and you had no idea whether the photo idea had worked til weeks later when you finished that roll, sent in the film, and finally got it back in the mail!

And that means I don’t have that many photos from the trips I would take from the east to the west coast, to go walking through the hills of Scotland – but I do have a few! And thanks to recently acquiring a negative/slide scanner, I am able to give those a new lease of life.

And of course with today’s technology, you can play about with the results too, which is always fun for getting different looks and moods.

These places play a major role in the inspirations behind my music, the wonderful, bleak-but-beautiful environments with their grandeur and sense of the magical – I always felt refreshed and recharged from the energy of the land there after a visit.
I’ll have more to share as I go through the collection, including some of the Five Sisters of Kintail, and yes, that’s where the track The Five Sisters takes its name and inspiration from 🙂
All the best!